Focalyx® is a novel method for the treatment of Prostate Cancer that allows to eliminate the cancerous lesions preserving the prostate and therefore the physical integrity of the patient, which enables him to overcome the cancer, maintaining his quality of life (urinary and sexual function).
“FOCALYX® only focuses on cancerous lesions so you can experience a healthier version of yourself”
Focalyx® Fusion it is an innovative medical device patented by Focalyx®, which allows the superposition of images obtained from the magnetic resonance and ultrasound. The contour of the prostate is introduced and the two silhouettes are superimposed.
Then the diagnosed lesion is ablated safely without jeopardizing sexual function
The result is a highly accurate 3D image of the patient's gland, in which it is possible to locate suspicious lesions with high precision using a GPS-like system.
Before performing a biopsy, we rather have our patients undergo a specialized magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) to help precise the diagnosis and determine cancerous tumors. With this mp-MRI we can detect 90% of both malignant and benign tumors. The result is a highly accurate 3D image of the patient's gland, in which it is possible to locate suspicious lesions with great precision. (GPS-like system)
In this part of the treatment we use a new approach in which a sample of the prostate is taken through the perineal access by means of Focalyx® Fusion, in the clinic's office. Focalyx® Bx is much safer and the risk of infection is 100 times less than that of a standard biopsy or a transrectal ultrasound prostate fusion biopsy, and it also reaches places in the prostate that transrectal biopsy cannot reach.
Avoids the typical infections of transrectal biopsy, while being more accurate by reaching places in the prostate that cannot be biopsied through the rectum. It only lasts 30 minutes and the patient recovers completely that day. It also avoids the need for subsequent prostate biopsies. This "GPS-like" accuracy in locating prostate lesions from Focalyx® Bx opens the door to targeted therapies that aim to destroy the cancer while saving healthy tissue and function.
Focalyx® Tx is a new, non-invasive treatment for prostate cancer. Its main objective is to maintain the physical integrity and quality of life of the patients as it destroys the cancerous lesion(s) while preserving the normal tissue and functions of the prostate. In this part of the treatment, we currently use two methods: focused cryoablation and laser ablation (echolaser) (FDA approved treatments). For the former, very low temperatures are used to destroy cancerous tumor lesions. And for the latter, heat waves are used to burst the cancerous cells. The procedures are performed through perineal access using the same precision "GPS-like" system, Focalyx® Fusion (superimposition of MRI and ultrasound images).
In Office MRI Target Is a minimally invasive treatment that uses very low temperatures to destroy cancer cells. Cryotherapy is used worldwide and has a clinical experience of more than 10 years that confirms its safety and effectiveness. Through a complex procedure, small ice spheres are formed in a very precise way. These are used to freeze a certain area of the prostate and destroy all the tumor tissue.
Cryotherapy is used all over the world and has a clinical experience of more than 10 years that confirms its safety and effectiveness.
Maintains the prostate, thus preserving quality of life (sexual functions, ejaculatory functions and improved urination functions).
It's a very non-invasive treatment so there are no traces of incisions or scars and the procedure is performed through the perineal access.
It's a personalized treatment; no two cancers are the same.
There is no hospitalization; the procedure can be performed in a doctor's office or as an outpatient procedure.
Fast recovery.
Follow-up Focalyx® offers its patients a Focalyx App specially designed to maintain each patient's medical information, schedule appointments, and maintain direct contact with the treating physician, so the patient takes control of his case.